예원학교, 서울예술고등학교 졸업
서울대학교 음악대학 학사 졸업
줄리어드 음악원 석사학위 취득
서울대학교 음악대학원 박사과정 수료
음악춘추 콩쿨 1위, Vienna Musikseminar International Competition 1위, 음악저널 콩쿨 1위,
International Chopin Piano Competition in ASIA 1위
이화·경향 음악 콩쿠르 1위, 하노이 국제 피아노 콩쿠르 2위 및 Special Prize Vienna Musikseminar&International Music Festival of Solsona 최연소 초청 독주회, Vietnam Hanoi Orchestra 와 Poland String Quartet 협연, “건반위의 멜로디” 독주회 (세종 체임버홀), <해설 팡팡음악회> 협연 (예술의 전당 콘서트홀), Chamber Festival in The Juilliard School 연주, Ensemble BNANK (일신홀) John O’Conor Masterclass, Seoul National University IPA, International Music Festival in Sichuan, Chamber Festival in Juilliard 참가
현) Ensemble BLANK 멤버, 예원학교, 서울예고 출강
Da-Hyun Chung
Praised as "... played with impressive agility and grace...” by the New York Times, Da-hyun Chung is graduate of Seoul National University and The Juilliard School, and is pursuing her DMA at the Seoul National University.
Currently, Da-hyun is faculty of the piano department of the Kaywon Arts High School, Ye-won School, Seoul Arts High School. She is one of the core members of the YouTube channel SYAP and is an artistic committee and pianist of the ensemble blank.
Da-hyun is the winner of the 6th Chopin International Piano Competition in Asia in Japan, and the 56th Ewha-Kyunghyang Music Competition, the most prestigious competition in South Korea. At the 1st Hanoi International Piano Competition in Vietnam, directed by the world renowned pianist Dang-tai Son, Chung had won the 2nd Prize.
Da-hyun also had participated in numerous festivals led by renowned pianists including Arie Vardi, Borris Berman, John O’conor, Berry Snyder, Jerome Rose, etc. In her teens, she graduated from Ye-won School, Seoul Arts High School. She now makes home in Seoul.